The first two works are standard American academic overviews limited to what is usually called, however uninformatively, the "moral tale" Leeson's is a quick dash from a romanticized oral culture specializing in heroic images of folk virtue through middle-class hegemony into a hopefully revolutionary future, where old heroisms will be updated to rescue a too effete children's literature for post-TV, post-video generations. Goldstone's Lessons to be Learned: A Study of Eighteenth-Century English Didactic Children's Literature is the principal subject of this review, but because they survey similar subjects and evince related problems of historical orientation, two other reappraisals of pre-Romantic fiction need to be briefly considered: Sharon Marie Scapple's The Child as Depicted in English Children's Literature from 1780-1820 and Robert Leeson's Reading and Righting: The Past, Present, and Future of Fiction for the Young.

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